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Abbey Foregate

Meeting documents

Wednesday, 16th November, 2011

Capital Monitor 2011/12 - Period 6


Cabinet considered a report on the current position regarding the Council's 2011/12 to 2015/16 Capital Programme taking into account the latest monitoring information on the progress of the schemes, any budget increases/decreases and the re-profiling of budgets between 2011/12 and future years. The report also detailed the current position in respect to the prudential indicators approved by Council on 24th February 2011.

Cabinet - 11/16/2011

Rachel Musson - Cabinet


Members were asked to:

A. Approve the budget variations to the 2011/12 capital programme, totalling £6.1m as included in Appendix 1&3a/Table 1 and the re-profiled 2011/12 capital budget of £75.4m.

B. Approve the re-profiled capital budgets of £71.1m for 2012/13, £33.2m for 2013/14 and £28.6m for 2014/15 as detailed in Appendix 2 and changes in Appendix 3b.

C. Accept the expenditure to date of £32,522,738, representing 43.1% of the revised capital budget for 2011/12, with 50% of the year having elapsed (Appendix 1).

Decisions reached:

A. That the budget variations to the 2011/12 capital programme, totalling £6.1m as included in Appendix 1&3a/Table 1 and the re-profiled 2011/12 capital budget of £75.4m be approved.

B. That the re-profiled capital budgets of £71.1m for 2012/13, £33.2m for 2013/14 and £28.6m for 2014/15 as detailed in Appendix 2 and changes in Appendix 3b be approved.

C. That the expenditure to date of £32,522,738, representing 43.1% of the revised capital budget for 2011/12, with 50% of the year having elapsed (Appendix 1) be accepted.

Directorate Officer is Rachel Musson
Tel: 01743 252007

Committee Officer is Penny Chamberlain
Tel: 01743 252729    Fax: 01743 252713


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